Support the Prisoners Strike!

I’m trying to put together a press conference/rally to support the National Prisoners Strike. I shouldn’t need to convince you that ending prison slavery and mass incarceration is the key struggle in the U. S. right now and the strikers are on the front lines of this fight. THEY NEED OUR SUPPORT. Tentative plans for rally: Friday, September 8, 5 PM Oscar Grant (Frank Ogawa) Plaza, Oakland, CA. Please get back to me if you can endorse and/or help with this effort. If you know of any similar efforts, please let me know so we can combine forces. [I just […]

Constitutional Convention?

Maybe we – the left – should embrace this idea of a Constitutional Convention and fight for the Constitution we need: Eliminate the Electoral College. Why does it surprise us that a provision written into the Constitution by white supremacists to protect slavery biases our system toward white supremacists? What else should be in there is the Second Bill of Rights, which was allegedly developed by Eleanor Roosevelt, introduced by FDR in 1944, and later incorporated into the U. N. Declaration of Human Rights – as well as into Bernie Sanders platform: The right to a useful and remunerative job in […]

My Summer Vacation

MY SUMMER VACATION: I went to Spain on vacation this summer. Traveling is overrated. It took us five days to get back to Oakland – don’t fly Norwegian Airlines. I was surprised how prosperous the country was, how fabulous their transportation system. Barcelona has 4 different ways to get where you’re going: subway, underground light rail, surface light rail, and buses. Subway trains were three minutes apart. I wasn’t aware until I returned that Barcelona and read the New Yorker that “Barcelona is the heart of a new global political phenomenon known as municipalism.” I read up on the Spanish […]