Don’t mourn, organize!

No. Go ahead and mourn. We need to mourn the magnitude of Israeli genocide. But we need to get beyond lamentation. As the leader of the US ruling class, Biden is showing us just how far they will go to keep their imperial hegemony. It’s not a new message. They repeated it in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam, South and Central America, Iraq, Libya, Afgahnistan. It doesn’t matter that the US “lost” those wars, it’s the message of utterly cynical committent to genocide. Linden Johnson said it best in his address to the troops in Vietnam. “They want what we got, and we’re not going to give it to them.” Sometimes, they tell the truth. 

All these wars, including WWII, were set into motion by the Russian Revolution of 1917, which opened the prospect of a society where the capitalist class no longer ruled. And all of the wars and coups are desperate attempt to avert the inevitable collapse of capitalism. They did defeat the USSR and its unrealized potential for socialism. But then came China. Maybe the working class’ rise in China has been hindered by its overreliance on capitalism to build its productive capacity. But, maybe not. They sure have great trains! We’ll see. 

Meanwhile, we need to understand that the central contradiction in today’s world is between the global south – the international working class – and the west – the bulwark of the international capitalist class. 

The defeat of the USSR in 1989 has deprived us of even the minimal infrastructure to develop the international movement against capitalism. The COMINTERN played an essential role, in Cuba, in Vietnam, in China, Latin America, and even the US. It has been argued that the Communist Party, in its leadership of the pivotal Flint Sitdown strike of 1937,created the middle class – or at least the move toward the social programs of the New Deal. 

We need an international organization, a coalition of world wide social justice organizations, putting forward and organizing around something like Stop the wars, Save the earth, Share the wealth. 

All history is the history of class struggle. I didn’t make this up. All the wars of the twentieth century have been substitute, proxy class wars between the international working class and the international capitalist class. All this was true in Marx’s day and it’s just as true today. The capitalists use the ideology of individualism, nationalism, and white supremacy to seduce their national working classes into killing each other. 

With the internet, we have the means to unite the entire international working class, or at least all the people who agree to the SSS demands or some equivalent. Everything can be instantaneously translated. 

Who am I to propose such a grandiose project? I’m a nobody. I have no real following. I’m as old as dirt and I don’t have the capacity or the skills to put this together. Maybe we need a coalition of nobodies. But there must be many many people in the world who wish for something like this. Who can help make this happen? Who can make shit go viral? Who’s in touch with the muckymucks of the progressive movements? Who could set up a platform to promulgate this concept? Not to be too dogmatic about it, but IT’ SEAMS LIKE THE ONLY THING THAT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO STOP THE VIRAL SPREAD OF GENOCIDE that Gaza Is revealing to us. One thing the Coalition must have is a commitment to unity around these demands. We will resist every attempt by the ruling class to divide us. Period.

Welcome to the SSS Coalition. We are a group of nobodies throughout the world that agree with something like the following demands: STOP ALL WARS, SAVE THE EARTH, SHARE THE WEALTH. Eventually, the group would carry on separate discussions on all kinds of subjects related to developing a strategy to force the capitalists to address these demands by stepping out of the way. We don’t need to kill them. Just redistribute all their money lol. Down the road, down the road. The process is way slower than is desperately needed, but it is what it is. It will speed up. Hopefully. 

One of the first discussions need to be how the electoral process has turned violently against the working classes, not just in the US, but internationally. The ruthless.  genocidal leaderhip has been sweeping into power everywhere, Israel, Trump, Britain, India, Russia, Ukraine, Philippines, etc. etc. They see the handwriting on the wall. The Global South, the world’s working class is rising again, demanding dramatic redistribution of the wealth. It’s beyond time to organize. As Lennon said, we’re not the only ones. 

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