The Children of Gaza

We need to ensure that the children of Gaza haven’t died in vain. Their deaths and the brutal genocide that caused them is inspiring an international movement to end the cynical nonsense of war. We might be approaching a revolutionary moment. Is it 1904 in Russia? The people lost that war the next year but established the foundation of their victory in 1917.

Biden and his ilk have seriously fucked up, exposing their beloved capitalism as a genocidal monster. You see what he’s saying in Gaza: to maintain our imperial hegemony, we will do anything, no matter how horrendous.

Biden will lose in November because of his complicity with genocide, elevating an even less humane person to leadership. With the electoral process denied to us, we need to prepare to do what they did in South Africa to defeat apartheid: make the country ungovernable. 

One thing the elites are totally underestimating is the role of social media. This the first genocide we’ve been able to document in real-time on our iPhones. I’ve said this before: the internet is the rope that the capitalists have sold us to hang them with. The internet has given us a way to unite the people of the world as never before to demand an end to war, the healing of the environment, and the sharing the f-ing wealth. It’s not just about Palestine. It’s about fucking humanity. 

I’m old – f-ing 80 in July. I’m not a techie. How could we do this? How can we get everyone in the world who wants justice to chat with each other and figure out what the f to do? Comment or message me if you have any ideas of how to unite the world’s peoples. 

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